How To Leverage The Power Of Sentiments?

Founder of and CEO of Success Drivers
// Pioneering Causal AI for Insights since 2001 //
Author, Speaker, Father of two, a huge Metallica fan.

Author: Frank Buckler, Ph.D.
Published on: September 26, 2021 * 5 min read

It would be best for an organization to analyze customer sentiment because it helps understand customers better and improves product experience. To analyze customer relationships better, you have to understand their feelings and the rationale behind their rating or sentiment.

Let’s understand first what sentiment is and what are its common types.

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What Is A Sentiment?

By sentiment, people typically understand whether a comment, verbatim, or feedback is positive, negative, strongly positive, or strongly negative. But there are other understandings of it. It’s important to understand because if you build a codebook, it already has some sentiment as part of the code. For instance, the sentiment of a codebook indicates the good quality and bad quality of the code.

So, sentiment is an inherent part of a category definition. It has the power to measure the ROI (Return on Investment) of marketing campaigns and help organizations improve their customer service. It also gives businesses a sneak peek into their customers’ emotions so that they can be aware of the crisis. But you can understand the sentiment differently too. It depends on what kind of sentiment algorithms you use.

Sentiments can also be the tonality of a comment. Do you know what tonality is? You can think of it as the difference between a positive and negative experience. It can also be the difference between a lost customer or a lifelong relationship. You can understand tonality with the help of an example given below:

Suppose an XYZ customer complains about the missing feature in your product with a positive tonality and says:

“Your great product can be improved by using this (xxx) smart feature.”

You see that the customer gave a negative comment but it’s very positive. So, tonality is a type of sentiment that helps customers connect with your brand and encourages them to support your business – only if it is positive.

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How To Classify Sentiments?

Apart from tonality, the other types of sentiments are as follows:

  • Emotional Coding – It is a type of sentiment that scores verbatims on the following seven universal emotions:
    • Anger
    • Fear
    • Disgust
    • Happiness
    • Sadness
    • Surprise
    • Contempt

There are some softwares and APIs you can use to categorize which emotions certain verbatims belong to, and what probably the emotions are that trigger those verbatims.

  • Associational Coding – It is the type of sentiment that scores your verbatims to what terms the language is associated with. It can be useful to uncover insights for branding. Artificial Intelligence can help in finding which other terms the verbatim is associated with. 

For instance, if a customer says straight to the point that:

“Your service is crap.”

It is a very masculine way to comment and is a dominant statement. Dominant AI can detect the dimensionality of hundreds of terms and determines what your verbatim belongs to. It’s useful when you use verbatim collected in the branding space so that you can look behind the words to understand the complete meaning.

AI-powered tools like Neuroflash mirror what people think and determine how customers perceive or claim a brand’s content.

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In A Nutshell

So far we discussed that sentiment is an indicator that measures how customers feel about a certain product or service of an organization. It also helps brands discover the reason why customers leave some negative feedback. Sentiment can also measure the tonality of a comment. Further, we categorized the sentiments into the following types:

  • Emotional coding
  • Associational coding

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